So, I've been doing my online diary for a few weeks now, and I thought that it would be fun to post some of it on the blog on my own page. Sarah helped me set up the page, and now I'm on my own! I love it! Anyway, I should probably be starting the entries now, with the older entries first. Okay, here is goes:
Dear Diary,
I start school on the 16th. I'm so excited, it's the first year I haven't been home-schooled! Today Beckie started writing a play. I reeeeeeaaaaallllllllyyyyyy wanted to co-write it, but Beckie said only Kit could! I don't know what's gotten into Beckie lately, but she only wants to hang out with Kit! She says we're still Best Friends, but she sure isn't acting like a best friend. Then, luckily, Kit said she wasn't going to help if I couldn't! I don't know what I'd do in this family without Kit, she's so nice to me. Sometimes I wonder if the only reason Beckie and I are friends is because we're both Kit's best friends. She told me she and Beckie were friends before I came along, and she told Beckie that they should be my friend too (Kit's so nice) and Beckie only agreed reluctantly. Wowzahs. Well, writing the play was fun, except Beckie kept glaring at me over the paper when Kit wasn't looking. What will I do?
Dear Diary,
Suddenly Kit is acting weird. Really weird. She hasn't been doing anything, nothing for the paper, even though there are plenty of newsworthy events going on, she's usually just sulking around. Now I have no one to play with because Lissie and Elli are always out doing something and every time I ask they say I can't come. I've just about given up on them. And Beckie is too busy working on her play to do anything with me whatsoever. And Kit, well, she's not doing anything, every single time I ask her, she says she doesn't feel like it and maybe later, that's been going on for days. I'm feeling so confused right now
On the bright side of things, Clair and I have been hanging out almost every day because I can't stand it around our house much longer, with Kit and Beckie arguing, which they've taken up doing when they're bored. It's very upsetting, but at least Clair understands. Sort of. I wish I had Kit and Beckie back. They understand me.