Back To School!

Back To School!
It's time for back to school in our doll family, Katelyn and her BFF, Clair are all dressed up on the first day. The best part? New school clothes!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

My dolls!

So, I'm finally getting around to doing a Meet my Dolls post, how I got my dolls, how old they are, stuff like that. Anyway, here it is!
This is Elizabeth Jane Cole. She was my first American Girl! I got her in 2007, when I got a magazine advertising the dolls. I looked through it but couldn't decide which doll to get. Then, when my best friend got a doll, I knew I really wanted one. NOW! My mom gave me an advance on my allowance so I would have enough to buy Elizabeth. I was so happy she came, I love her she is a beautiful doll. Elizabeth is 14 and my oldest doll.

This is Felicity Augusta Merriman. She was my second doll. After I got Elizabeth, I really wanted her, because they were best friends. My grandma said she'd get me a doll for my 8 birthday, but on Christmas morning, she was sitting under the tree! My grandma got her early! I was so happy! Felicity is a beautiful doll, I just love everything about her, to her dark red hair to her sparkling green eyes! I love her! She is 12.
This is Margret Mildred Kitteredge, but we know her as... Kit! She was my third doll. When my dd had a conference in Chicago, he, my grandparents and I went to Chicago to celebrate my 8 birthday, late (it was half a year after my birthday, but I didn't mind!) I had saved up my money and bought Kit, who at the time looked the most like me. My dad also bought me the outfit to match Kit's, so we were twins! I took Kit everywhere with me that week! I'm so glad I bought Kit, she is so cute and unique! She is 10.

This is Rebecca Kieren Rubin. She was my fourth doll. As soon as Rebecca was released, I knew she was the right one for me. She was just so beautiful! I saved up my money and bought her. She is the prettiest doll ever, with her brown curls and bright hazel eyes, I just love her so much! She is 9.

This is Katelyn Haley White. She is my 5 American Girl. I was sure that Beckie was going to be my last doll, but then we went to Denver for Thanksgiving, and we went to the American Girl store there. It was shortly after the release of InnerstarU, and I really wanted a doll. I thought this doll was so cute, but I didn't want to beg for her, because my mom said to not buy any dolls, even though I had the money. The day before we left, my mom figured out how much I wanted her, though, and we talked about it and she said that if my dad would stop there on our way home, we could buy her, but my dad said no. Then, on our way home, my dad pulled into the AGP parking lot, and said to go inside and get her!!!! I was sooooooooo excited! Katelyn has beautiful silky blond hair, she's such a wonderful doll and I'm so glad I got her! Katelyn is 8.

So, these are my AGs. In your comments I'd love to hear about your dolls!


  1. Soooo cool! I loved hearing about your dolls !

    I have 11 AG dolls:)

    I will put them in order from my first to the latest doll:)

    Marisol (Girl of the year 2005)




    Mia(Girl of the year 2008)

    Chrissa(Girl of the year 2009)

    Sonali(Girl of the year friend 2009)

    Lanie(Girl of the Year 2010)

    Elizabeth(yes,I have 2 Elizabeth doll:)

    And Kanani!=D

    My aunt got me my first AG doll:)
    And she got us all started into AG!

    In all with all my siblings,we have 36 18inch AG dolls in our house!!
    Yeah! 36!

    I luv ur blog!

  2. Holy cow, Mackenzie! That's a LOT of dolls! Thanks for following my site by the way!
