Back To School!

Back To School!
It's time for back to school in our doll family, Katelyn and her BFF, Clair are all dressed up on the first day. The best part? New school clothes!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

School days! Part 1

Well, today I'm going to start a 4 part doll school project idea for you guys. I'm going to give tips and tricks on how to start up the best school ever for your dolls. Today is the first part, Give Her a Locker. So without further ado, let's get started!

Here's the locker I made for my doll. A shoe box makes a great locker, I taped the locker picture from the American Girl Doll School craft book to make mine, but if you don't have that book you can draw one on. For the decorations, I cut out pictures of Katelyn's doll friends from old AG catalogs and taped them onto the locker. If you want you can write their names on the pictures too. Postcards and Greeting cards make great posters for dolls, and then you can also write encouraging sayings on scrapbook paper for fun decorations.

To make the inside of the locker, first measure the width and depth of it then cut a piece of cardboard to fit inside. Wedge or tape it inside, then stack your dolls books on it. To make books, first cut a piece of cardboard 2" by 1 1/2" and tape paper over it to make a cover. If you want a very realistic cover, find a picture of a book cover online, then copy and paste it into a word document and change its size so it's the same size as your doll's book. Print it out and tape it onto the book. Store your doll's backpack and lunchbox in the locker, and if you want put some locker decorations on the inside.

Well, that was the first part of School Days. I'll have part 2 up in a day or so, so keep checking back for that!


  1. Hi Joliemg!

    Thank you for participating in Shout-Out Your Doll Site! I love your craft idea of making a doll locker! Your doll's locker is so cute!

    Hope you have a great weekend!

    Your Friend,

  2. Hi Liz! I'm just starting my website so it's not much, but thanks for reading my post!

  3. Soooo cool! I really want to make a locker!!

    My siblings and I used to have that book,but I really want to get it again!=D
